歌舞伎:俄國總統烏克蘭戰爭秀KABUKI THEATER!美國英語政治用語,言行不一虛張聲勢
In common English usage, a kabuki dance, also kabuki play, is an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion, reminiscent of the kabuki style of Japanese stage play. It refers to an event that is designed to create the appearance of conflict or of an uncertain outcome, when in fact the actors have worked together to determine the outcome beforehand. For example, Tom Brokaw used the term to describe U.S. Democratic party and U.S. Republican party political conventions, which purport to be competitive contests to nominate presidential candidates, yet in reality the nominees are known well beforehand.
A more recent example of the use of this phrase by popular media in a Wall Street Journal article on the Supreme Court nomination hearing of Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Representative Rosa DeLauro, a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Connecticut, also used the term to refer to the Republican Party effort to repeal the 2010 health-care reform act, telling reporters, “It’s a kabuki dance. The fact of the matter is we’re not going to repeal it.”
歌舞伎是美國政治專家使用的一個術語,是政治姿態的同義詞。它是在延長至 1960 年的和平時期美日條約談判後獲得的貶義,因為日本為了“擺脫其作為全球掠奪者的形象”,在之後派出歌舞伎劇院巡演到美國。為二戰播下善意的種子。它於 1961 年首次出現在《洛杉磯時報》的亨利 J. 泰勒 (HENRY J. TAYLOR) 撰寫的一篇文章中。在美利堅合眾國之外,分析家和評論員可能將類似的現象稱為政治戲劇。
在常見的英語用法中,歌舞伎舞蹈,也是歌舞伎劇,是一種在現實生活中以可預測或程式化的方式進行的活動或戲劇,讓人想起日本舞台劇的歌舞伎風格。它指的是旨在造成衝突或不確定結果的表象的事件,而實際上參與者已經一起工作以預先確定結果。例如,湯姆·布羅考(TOM BROKAW)用這個詞來描述美國民主黨和美國共和黨的政治大會,這些大會聲稱是提名總統候選人的競爭性競賽,但實際上這些被提名者是眾所周知的。
《華爾街日報》一篇關於大法官索尼婭·索托馬約爾(SONIA SOTOMAYOR)的最高法院提名聽證會的文章中,大眾媒體最近使用了這個短語。來自康涅狄格州的美國眾議院民主黨議員羅莎·德勞羅(Rosa DeLauro)也用這個詞來指稱共和黨為廢除 2010 年醫療改革法案所做的努力,他告訴記者,“這是一種歌舞伎舞蹈。問題是我們不會廢除它。”
◆【Kabuki theater – Dictionary.com】
The phrases Kabuki theater, kabuki dance, or kabuki play are sometimes used in political discourse to describe an event characterized more by showmanship than by content.